August 2024

August is Abundance

 August is abundance. Both good--baby birds begging for food, then learning to fly. And bad—water chestnut clogging some of the passages in the North Bay, and blanketing the south Tivoli Bay making it a wide, empty (of birds) habitat. “Weeds” exploded by the side of the road (or in my yard). It all felt enormously green and lush. Amidst this richness there was a report of a rabid beaver in the North Tivoli Bay (it “attacked” a paddle boarder and deflated his board with a beaver bite), and many of my friends got covid (for a second or third time). I felt this dis-ease as a caution. Rare birds showed up at a regular rate, pushed around perhaps by the many summer storms south of here. I joined friends to watch Laughing Gulls—not common in this area—over the Hudson River. It rained for days and was humid; then it cleared. In other words, the natural world felt a little manic, which is maybe a reflection of the world itself.






September 2024


July 2024